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Graduated in Biological Sciences and postgraduate in Genetics and Molecular, followed by Quantum Physics, Quantum Healing, Metaphysics, Yoga and Therapeutics. Yama has developed through the Quantum Therapy applied in the Therapeutic Massage.

Working for the past 10 years in Jericoacoara (CE), a paradise where the forces of the nature works forward, we have already served thousands of people.


Today Yama has more than 20 qualified professionals in massage and different therapeutic activities for many demands.


The Yama Logo is a Japanese Kanji and means mountain, the place where Buddha meditated until enlightenment. In fine lines... the force of the heaven descends on the earth and enters into the matter (vertical line), raising it as in a wind and with the waves of the seas, towards infinity (diagonal line). The golden movement also represents the magnificent and exclusive curves of the dunes that surround our Vila. In Hindu, Yama means Control / Mastery over the fundamental moral and ethical precepts of Yoga. Nonviolence (Ahimsa), Veracity (Satya), Not Stealing / Coveting (Asteya), Detachment (Aparigraha) and Austerity (Brahmacharya).

Yama also comes from Yamamoto, the founder's last name.


Here we treat the being as a whole, in its physical, mental, emotional, spiritual bodies. 

We are at Villa Zen (La Villa Group), Ashram Yama, at home and with the hotels.

Every day from 8am to 8pm.


We share with you our state of mind… Join us! Welcome!!!

Where are we?

Villa Zen (La Villa Group)

Yama Ashram (centro)

Guesthouses and Hotels

At home


Vila de Jericoacoara, Ceará - Brasil

Come work with us

Whatsapp: +55 (88) 99 784 5410


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